
Bridging the past, present, and future.

Alumni Benefits

The Southwest Credit Union Management School Alumni Association benefits SCMS graduates, the institution, and future members in tangible and intangible ways, including:

  • Support for Southwest Credit Union Management School
  • Alumni news and information
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  • Sharing a common bond of pride in SCMS
  • An immense network of professional contacts
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  • Empowered brand ambassadors


  • Alumni events and discounts
  • Professional resources
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Mentorship
  • Alumni recommendations
  • The power of community
  • Continuing to expand your sphere of influence

Your membership in the SCMS Alumni Association also increases the prestige of the association and the value of your investment and diploma.

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SCMS furthers professional development, helps strategically position credit unions, and creates networks for a lifetime. We want to share your experience. Tell us your story and it may be featured on this website or in other promotional mediums. We’re looking forward to hearing how SCMS has played a role in your personal and professional development.

News & Updates

Women’s leadership alliance debuts mentorship program

Jun 2, 2022, 14:49 PM by SCMS
Lily Newfarmer

The Credit Union Women’s Leadership Alliance,  created in December 2020 through the collaborative efforts of 13 female chief executives and CUNA Mutual Group, is launching a CUWLA coaching program to ensure its members can grow their organizations and avoid the need for consolidation.

The nonprofit organization seeks to distinguish itself from prior groups by serving as a sounding board solely for female member executives whose day-to-day tasks often extend beyond the C-suite, according to Lily Newfarmer, president and CEO of the $122 million-asset Tarrant County’s Credit Union in Fort Worth, Texas, a founding member of the Alliance and a graduate of Southwest CUNA Management School.

The coaching program provides executives with a one-on-one mentor for 12 weeks to address and identify areas of weakness and expand required skill sets for growth. The program is slated to go live on June 1.

With waiting lists for both coaches and mentees currently filling up, the organization will review the results of the inaugural CUWLA coaching session after its conclusion and fine-tune future instances, Newfarmer said.

Read more at American Banker: Credit Unions.


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