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Dr. Troy joins Brainz Magazine’s 500 Global Entrepreneurs

Jan 30, 2024, 16:13 PM by Cornerstone League
Renowned talent retention expert and SCMS faculty member Dr. Troy Hall has been named to Brainz Magazine's esteemed 500 Global Entrepreneurs list for 2024.

Smiling person with oval rimless glasses, gray hair and a goatee who is wearing a sport jacket and unbuttoned striped collared shirt.

Renowned talent retention expert and SCMS faculty member Dr. Troy Hall has been named to Brainz Magazine's esteemed 500 Global Entrepreneurs list for 2024. This recognition places Hall among the world's most innovative and impactful business leaders, underscoring his significant contributions and commitment to driving positive change through entrepreneurial spirit.

Read Dr. Troy’s interview.

Hall is the founder of Cohesion Culture, which embodies his career in establishing a cycle of culture wellness in the corporate and professional sphere. Dr. Troy, as his students affectionately call him, is also the bestselling author of “Cohesion Culture: Principles to Retain Your Top Talent,” which he incorporates into his lesson plans for teaching rising and C-suite credit union professionals at SCMS.

Dr. Troy’s executive coaching and SCMS training are built on the strategic framework of Cohesion Culture™, making the concepts of belonging, value, and shared commitment easy for organizations to adapt and implement.

Hall expands on this concept: “We help students think with an entrepreneurial spirit under a corporate umbrella—independently, as if they were the CEO of the company so their decisions are aligned with their CEO. That way, there’s more congruency in the organization.”

Cohesion Culture helps provide upward mobility in students’ personal dreams and aspirations. His 2024 classes include:

  • Cohesion Culture: Leader Action Plan
  • Scenario Planning and Mapping
  • Optimizing Remote Talent, aka, Cohesion Culture Retention
  • Creating a Cohesion Culture
  • Cohesion Culture: From Core Value Statement to Action

“At SCMS, we view all students as emerging leaders within the credit union movement who are looking for growth, development, and advancement,” said Hall. “We want individuals to focus on establishing a cohesive work environment, and we want teams committed to performance—engaged individuals who are helpful, active, vested, and eager.”

Hall added, “We’re trying to raise up leaders that are going to follow the rules of their company while thinking independently and acting with an enterprise-wide perspective, not just what’s important to them personally.”

Although some students have had previous experience, Hall gives them an opportunity to go deeper.

Much happens through experiential learning, related to how I pair up the students,” Hall explained. “They work in teams to learn and, afterward, debrief each other on what they learned. It's the debriefing of the exercises where they learn the most because they’re applying what they learned.” 

Cohesion CultureNow you can access the free version of the bestselling title “Cohesion Culture: Proven Principles to Retain Your Top Talent.” Download your copy.

“I am grateful to coach leaders in the U.S., Canada, Europe, Asia, and the United Kingdom to infuse cohesion into their work cultures,” Hall said of his Brainz Magazine induction. “When cohesion is present, safe workplaces are created where people have a sense of belonging, value, and share in mutual commitment.”

Visit Dr. Troy’s website.


About Southwest Credit Union Management School

SCMS is the go-to experience for rising and C-suite credit union professionals. The school provides higher academic-style learning and engagement opportunities. With SCMS's blend of in-person, live-virtual, and self-paced learning, students build business acumen, broaden the scope and strategic direction of their credit union, enhance leadership skills, collaborate with other professionals, and grow networks to last a lifetime. Learn more at SCMS.



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